Changes to the home page
The research
Over 70% of people who use SilverCloud programmes, access them on mobile devices. With this in mind, we wanted to optimise the experience for mobile screens.
User feedback indicated that the variety of different ways to navigate around a SilverCloud programme proved to be overwhelming for some. The homepage in the original design was intended as a central jumping off point to different areas of the programme. However, the fact that many of the actions and elements on the homepage were duplicated in other areas of the programme, could be confusing at times.
Prompted by this feedback, we carried out user testing to assess the architecture and navigation of a journey through SilverCloud. Previously a user would have started on the homepage and then navigated to the programme page, on which they are then able to see an overview of the content available to them. The results from the user testing showed a preference for quicker access to the content by removing the homepage and allowing them to start directly on the programme page. |
The changes
When logging in, users now land directly on the programme page. This means they are immediately back into the core content of SilverCloud and can navigate around more easily and intuitively. Streamlining the programme's navigation in this way has significantly improved the user experience, particularly on mobile devices.
Duplication has been removed |
Focus is now on the programme as the main structure | |
Navigation to each part of SilverCloud has been simplified |
Improved navigation
There is now one clear route to each of the main areas of a SilverCloud programme (where previously there could be as many as five different paths to a single section).
Changes to the messaging layout
Previously, the supporter page was quite dense, with a lot of information and avenues for navigation immediately presented to the user. Feedback indicated that this could be confusing, particularly on a mobile device.
To address this issue we have grouped all the content on the supporter page into 4 distinct sections. At a glance, users can now identify where they need to go and navigate to it much more easily.
The supporter messaging structure has also been updated to display in a format that is much more familiar to people who use popular messaging apps.
Alongside this release we have also made general improvements to the way SilverCloud looks. This has included usability and accessibility improvements, a simplified navigation and more consistent, industry-standard interaction designs.
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