Change to the 'List' view
Questionnaires table:
- All questionnaires that have been filled in by the client will continue to be listed. We have added some functionality to the table that presents this list:
- The list can be sorted by selecting the column labels:
- We have added the timepoint at which the questionnaire was asked
- The table height has been reduced to make it easier to navigate between the list of questionnaires and the individual questionnaire answers.
- The list can be sorted by selecting the column labels:
Questionnaires answers:
- Navigating between questionnaire answer instances should now feel easier
- Where applicable the score for an answer, not just the text answer is shown including the total score
Change to the 'Chart' view
- Until now, chartable questionnaires were shown overlayed on a single chart. However, since questionnaires are almost always scored differently (PHQ9 is out of 27, GAD7 is out of 21, WSAS is out of 40, WHO5 is out of 100), a clients scores should not be directly compared . To avoid the risks associated with directly comparing questionnaire scores, we have split questionnaires into their own individual charts:
- If 3 or more charts:
- If 2 charts:
- If 1 chart, for example when looking at specific questionnaire views:
- If 3 or more charts:
Parts of the chart
- The maximum possible score for the questionnaires is shown at the top of the y-axis
- Use the magnifying glass icon to explore the chart data in greater detail
- Use the arrows to navigate between score timepoints. When a score is selected the corresponding answers that the score relates to are shown below the charts.
- If applicable a clinical threshold line is shown to indicate whether the scores are trending towards or away from clinical caseness.
- Score nodes.
- The active node will show corresponding answers below the chart
- Hover over inactive nodes to see their scores
- Select inactive nodes to highlight the corresponding answers below the chart.
If you would like to provide feedback on these changes please contact us at or fill in this short survey. Thank you.
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