The Goals tool is a core tool within most SilverCloud programs.
It guides individuals to think about and describe what they are hoping to achieve as a result of seeking help on SilverCloud. It also helps them to then break this down into manageable steps, so that it is easier to make progress towards an overall goal.
When someone can identify and visualize a goal, they are more likely to feel motivated and energized to try and achieve it. The Goals tool aims to show how the content and tools in the program can provide useful strategies and techniques for achieving a goal.
We have spent some time reviewing and testing our existing Goals tool and have now released an enhanced version. These are the main changes:
During onboarding a user now has the option to write a specific goal in their own words, rather than just selecting from the preset tiles. This goal will automatically display in the Goals tool, once they start the program.
Content about the benefits of goal setting and the Goals tool itself is now introduced in the first module. They have the option to refine any goal they have already set or to set one, if they haven’t already.
While multiple goals are possible, individuals are encouraged to have one main goal to work towards at a time.
- Greater emphasis is placed on not getting the goal right the first time but allowing space to iterate on a goal as the client works their way through the program and through coach guidance.
- Leaving comments (‘Reflections’) is also given higher priority than previously as reflection is an key part of the process of reaching a goal.
The “Daily Practice” page is now called “Steps Towards Your Goal”. Within this page users are prompted to break down the journey towards their main goal into achievable “steps” (sub-goals). Relevant program content and tools will be referenced as possible supports to help them in achieving their goal.
- The design of the tool is agnostic of a goal setting framework. SMART goals can still be encouraged and are still described in content along with other angles or lenses to encourage goal iteration/reflection.
Why have we made these changes?
Goal setting in CBT involves identifying specific, measurable, and achievable outcomes. In the context of SilverCloud, goal setting improves motivation and focus, ensures continuity, and allows both the user and their coach to track progress. Establishing goals early increases treatment credibility and motivation by fostering collaboration, building confidence, and prompting initial change. These steps help maintain engagement and support positive treatment outcomes. We have made these changes in order to better integrate goals throughout the user journey and allow the user to focus on one main goal at a time.
Detailed overview of the changes
Goal during onboarding
The user is now able to enter an onboarding goal in their own words.
This goal will automatically appear in the Goal tool, once they start the program. It becomes their “main” goal
There is more focus on creating one goal, rather than multiple. However, it is possible for the client to create multiple goals and to change (via pinning) which goal is their ‘Main’ goal.
Goal visibility across program content
The Goals tool is introduced in the first module, along with content about goal setting.
There is now the possibility of quick, inline editing of the goal within content areas
Clicking the pencil icon beside a goal opens an inline text field with the user’s current goal.
Changes are saved and updated immediately across all content areas
If no goal exists yet, then there will be a prompt to create one at this point.
Goal creation prompt for users without a goal
User are prompted to create a goal if one has not been set during onboarding or through the goals tool
An active text area displays, to encourage interaction if there is no pinned goal set with goal suggestions (chips) in content areas
User reflections and comments on goals
Users can reflect or leave comments on their goal directly within the content
Reflections are stored in both the Goals tool and the user’s journal
“Daily Practice” has become “Steps Towards Your Goal”
Aligning daily tasks with the user’s personal goal makes each step feel purposeful. The Goals tool helps to link how the program content and tools might help in achieving this goal.
Daily Practice no longer exists as a separate goal entry, but rather it exists as steps to achieving the user’s pinned goal
The “Daily Practice” page in the modules is now called “Steps Towards Your Goal”. We have changed the order of the pages so that the Summing Up page is now the final page of each module.
How will this effect users who signed up prior to the changes?
These users will see a new prompt when they come across goals in the content. Depending on the activity already in their goals tool, the prompt displayed will be relevant to their situation. For example, if they have no current activity, they will be prompted to create a new goal. If they have multiple goals already, they will be prompted to choose one as their main goal to focus on first. Their “Daily Practice” items will be linked under their main pinned goal. All comments will be saved listed under reflections in the new tool. Any progress recorded will be tracked as a comment as we have removed the progress slider.
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